Sunday, June 23, 2024


Wait, while we're on the subject of Zone Blanche:
1) Startling Season 1 ending reveal, did not think they'd go through with it, very rare these days. Or really, any days.
2) Why the hell would you translate Zone Blanche into English as "Black" Spot? Spot instead of zone or area I get, it's snappy, but black instead of white? Why? Whywhywhy?! "Blank" Spot was right there as an option, conveying the original tone without going goth yet still so close that it suggests the word "black" were the viewer so inclined. It's not necessarily supposed to be a threatening, evil spot, but a spot forgotten by the world, off the maps, off the grid, out of modernity, out of the time-space continuum. Blanked out.
Do you ever wonder what the hell we're even paying professional translators for?

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