Thursday, January 21, 2021

Disapproving of a Woman: A Physical Impossibility

"Good God! you're comin' up with reasons
Good God! it's the changing of the seasons
Fake it, if you're out of direction
Whoaaa, you're such a fuckin' hypocrite"
Seether - Fake It
While I'm sure their Trump Derangement Syndrome would have put me off their rhetoric anyway, I stopped watching MSNBC a couple of years before the 2016 election, during the late 2013 (stretching into 2014) NY/NJ traffic lane closing fiasco, a.k.a. "bridgegate" for anyone living in the U.S. at the time. Mind you, I didn't doubt for a second that Chris Christie was a corrupt politician, but he was one corrupt politician among several hundred of his social stratum. MSNBC's nationwide, round-the-clock, nearly exclusive, months-long obsession over this regional traffic scandal obviously had nothing to do with either its largely inconvenient severity or its relevance to the audience at large. It had everything to do with publicly disgracing the Republican Party's top contender for the presidency. Instead we got four years of President Rabid Baboon.
So, I guess, before I move on, thanks for your help with that NBC. Fuck you.

While I'm perfectly comfortable assuming some measure of bias in whatever political commentary I consume and nibbling around the rotted bits, there comes a tipping point from valid criticism, commentary or ridicule which legitimately targets the opponents of some power structure, to bald-faced propaganda in the pay of a political party. MSNBC dove below that point at least seven or eight years ago. (John Oliver, as another example, did so in about April-May of 2020, but that's a topic for another time.) Yesterday however, I did allot Rachel Maddow six minutes of my time to recap the legacy of America's Worst. President. Ever. (which hotly contested title he has finally secured by his last stunt in office.) Given NBC's constant pandering to the Democratic Party's feminist voting block, I was unpleasantly unsurprised by one particular choice in phrasing about Melania Trump:
" - with even his wife leaving Washington with an approval rating nearly twenty points lower than any other first lady in history; she is the only first lady in history to be viewed, on balance, negatively, by the American public. That's like, a physical impossibility! But he's managed it somehow."

Whoaaa, hold your stallions there Rache'.
He's managed it?
Do we not have cause to despise her for her own life choices? Is the poor damsel in distress not responsible for her own actions? Was she being carried off against her will? Could this Europa not dismount her pile of bull? Though, admittedly, she's mostly been noted as a vapid nonentity (when noted at all) she's still responsible for the company she keeps. At any point, as her sugar-daddy dug himself deeper and deeper into infamy, she could have divorced him. Hell, it's not like it hasn't happened before. And before before. Divorced, denounced, disentangled, derided, distanced, decommissioned, defected, diverged, digressed, de-Donnie-fied herself... instead of repeating his "alternate facts" for the cameras.
Sure, for any normal person, flipping a pronoun would be a slip of the tongue, but I will not believe it from the likes of Rachel Maddow the Oxford doctor and Rhodes scholar and decades'-seasoned poster-child of the Democrats' propaganda machine, teleprompted by presumably one of the most expensive writing teams in the world. These people don't flip pronouns. They flip narratives. The Democratic Party banks to a disgusting extent on female chauvinism, and it's one of feminist fundamentalism's core articles of faith that any woman can at any time blame her own faults on the nearest man or all men everywhere.

By such liminal verbal ticks is our geist zeited.

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