Saturday, August 19, 2023

I had avoided meeting you / with a refusal in my turned head

"My sister says she never dreams at night
There are days when I know why
Suzanne Vega - Rosemary
I just flew into town and boy are my jokes tired!
I vacationed, saw family, was roped by them into also visiting Naples and its surroundings, so I might have something to say about Pompeii in the future. It really is an amazing place. But the trip was damned exhausting, and more frequently infuriating despite the artistic wonders and lovely locales. Suffice to say that in the past 1600 years, nobody has ever complimented the Italian people on their organizational skills.

All the preppy couples showing off in various resorts, however, put a severe strain on my philosophy that sex is not real. It's bad enough walking around attractive females in skimpy outfits, but it hurts, physically hurts to walk past couples and suffer my instincts howling at me, demanding why each of those four billion males have always been considered better options than myself, personal freedom and agency be damned. Ah, well. Over now. Good riddens to false ideals.

As for what's next here at the Den, I've kept saying these past years that I want to get back into attempting some fiction stories, but that'll be some months on. For now, since my vacation was also a vacation from games, it'll be mostly that for the near future, likely revolving around a playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3.

P.S.: Zurich wins at airports.

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