Saturday, August 24, 2024

If you're ever just passing through Michigan's upper peninsula (which nobody ever is, but let's play pretend to make them feel better) Hiawatha National Forest is a nice place to visit.

In places like this I'm always struck by the difference a ten minute roll makes, despite the area being anything but mountainous. Down by the river it was moss and fern paradise: shaded lush forest thicket, a bit stuffy but comfortable even in June. Except for the clouds of mosquitos attacking you from the moment you step out of your car; spray still leaves enough bites to get through to realize they'd make a sieve of you without it. A short drive and twenty meters up it was all a patchwork of hill vegetation, everything from grass to scrub to broadleafs and conifers, gently breezy and sunny... and not a mosquito in earshot.

The white fluffy stuff as far as I can tell is some breed of cottongrass. You don't have to make a mattress from it. But you could.

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