Thursday, December 22, 2022

Look Both Ways Before Praying

"We are of dignity
We are of mercy
We are of cruelty
And this is not our sin
Ego Likeness - Save Your Serpent
"Every country has human rights issues, including this one. For more of that, see every other story this show has ever done."
- John Oliver nearly making the mistake of admitting his show's prejudice
If you'd like a tidy conjunction of Social Justice Warrior willful ignorance and hypocrisy, try Last Week Tonight's last two week nights this year, respectively on the British Monarchy and the Qatar World Cup. John Oliver spends two thirds of the British segment condemning the royals (not unjustifiably) for their role in colonialism, the slave trade, the mass murder of natives, etc., and even mumbles a brief mention of the Catholic and Anglican churches' genocidal actions, making a reasonable point that not only a nation but its institutions and their representatives should be scrutinized for their roles in injustice present or past.
Jolly good. Now, about those mullahs...
A week later, Oliver manages to yammer an entire 24 minutes through his Qatar segment without ever once saying the words "Islam" or "Muslim" even as he acknowledges that Qatari migrant workers have been kept in a system of modern-day slavery as opposed to merely being the descendants of slaves two centuries prior. Odd omission, given that like everything else in a theocracy de jure or de facto, kafala has an explicitly religious justification and legal underpinning:
"In Islamic adoptional jurisprudence, "kafala" refers to the adoption of children. The original Islamic law of kafala was expanded to include a system of fixed-term sponsorship of migrant workers in several countries in the late twentieth century"
Neither does he dare to even attempt placing Arab slaveholding in historical context, as though this one minute country with its myriad redundant and now utterly useless football stadiums had only now stumbled into error and need only issue a few visas to erase its crimes. But then Oliver has been all too eager to wail "islamophobia!!!" over the years at the drop of a turban. So while he eagerly wrings his hands at how shamefully late the British Empire ended slavery in 1807/1833, he will likely never mention (as just one example) that the Turks did not do so until rather precisely a century later. Under heavy pressure from Europe. Or that terms like "kafir" or "giaour" were never mere neutral delineations of religious belief as muslims now try to pretend, but blanket slurs leveled against those filthy infidels unworthy of anything but being enslaved and tortured to death for the glory of Allah.
For a thousand years! There's another facet. While the European, Christian colonialism now so universally (and vociferously... and repetitively (the lady doth...)) condemned as crimes against humanity lasted about four centuries, don't expect the likes of John Oliver to acknowledge the solid millennium of genocide and slavery inflicted by muslims across three continents. Much of that time, by-and-by, coinciding with entire centuries when the various Sultans and Caliphs were far better positioned (in material resources and safety) than anyone else to gradually transition towards secular humanism, being at once obscenely wealthy, militarily unmatched and possessed of the largest, most diverse and advanced store of scientific, legal and political thought in existence. Which they apparently never bothered browsing. By all rights, you'd think Arabia should have beaten Europe to the Enlightenment Age by about five hundred years, if they'd wanted to. Dun' wanna! Rather rape a few million East-Europeans to death. Toodles.

But, in SJW rhetoric, only those born the wrong race can be accused of racism. Only those of the wrong sex can be sexist. And those legitimizing oppression by their support for violent, sadistic, totalitarian primitive superstition about divine rights can never be called out on their collusion with villainy... unless they keep a spare bedroom at Balmoral, I guess.

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