Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Shame on You for Him on You

"And it wasn't my fault that the barbarian raped me"
Amanda Palmer - Oasis
"Somewhere along the line, then, the feminist criticism of patriarchal institutions derailed into a real, visceral, and frightening antagonism toward men and a consequent intolerance toward women who insist on associating with them. I'm amazed, as I think about it, that hetero women have submitted to this stigmatizing of their sexual desires and personal relations - but without question many of them have done so.
Faced with the inconvenient fact that many women who are economically independent nonetheless seem to like living with men, heterophobes have had to bring out the heavy artillery to combat so stubborn a resistance. The older of the two main weapons they deploy is the language of hate against men. So much abuse is heaped on males that it becomes difficult for self-respecting women who consider themselves feminists to associate with them
These ideas are now repeated and assented to by people who certainly do not regard themselves as feminist extremists, and who perhaps do not even realize where their rhetoric originates, so successful has it been in mainstreaming itself as reasonable and warranted protection of women."
Daphne Patai - Heterophobia (1998)
"The greater feminism's success in raising our feelings of moral outrage at sexual harassment, date rape, or insensitive remarks in the workplace or classroom, the more likely it is that members of a protected group will find it in their interest to make a false or frivolous accusation."

cited from Professing Feminism by Patai and Koertege (1994)

The feminist line on false rape accusations has always flatly declared that women don't lie, with the same blanket dismissiveness of critical thinking as papal infallibility. It grows particularly farcical in some famous cases like Bill Cosby's, where you're expected to blindly believe every single one of sixty-whatever accusations at face value. To engage with the politically correct narrative in such cases, check reality at the door. Believe that no woman has ever had sex (or even flirted) with a famous man willingly, or heaven forfend - willingly indulged in proffered proscribed narcotics! Forget that while men want to fuck women, women want to fuck status. Pretend that groupies piling onto an alpha male's doorstep for a dose of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll (or, failing that: sex, drugs and sitcoms) are as innocent on the topic of beaver cleaving as Beaver Cleaver.
High ranking males display their status (among other means) by lavishing upon females resources beyond the (practical or financial) reach of we lower breeds. A Prince Charming must demonstrate to his many mates both that he does not live by the laws of lesser men, transgressing with impunity, and also that he is willing to act as provider. Offering them illicit comestibles fits both purposes admirably. This basic, common-sense understanding of our social ape nature should have prompted a skepticism utterly absent from both the media and public's eagerness to swallow every possible claim to the point comedians are still milking the case's infamy seven years later. While Cosby may very well have been guilty of <something> (the rich and powerful are not shy about exerting their privilege) we will never know quite how much, because torching him as an effigy of the supposed evils of man-kind completely overshadowed any rational inquiry into his actions. Every accusation was another welcome log on the pyre.
At the root of such willful gullibility lies our eagerness to side with a woman against a man, stemming from both innate protectiveness and from several generations' worth of pervasive feminist indoctrination capitalizing on that instinctive mental foible. Perhaps unsurprisingly, questioning of proven false accusers' motivation tends to find (when the reason isn't simply "I dunno") that such women are using rape victimhood as an alibi to cover up some of their own misdeeds - sometimes infidelity or literal crimes, but other times something as simple as skipping class or being late for work. Well, no shit! What better alibi than one we are expressly forbidden from questioning? As other motivations go, famous cases like Cosby's may fall into material gain (to the tune of millions of $$$ in damages) but for your run-of-the-mill spurious claim I would think the "regret" category needs better fleshing out, given that shame and desire to end the conversation will also inflate the "I dunno" quotient.

The real question is where that shame is coming from, and while feminists of course project guilt for this, as for anything, onto men, consider the media landscape feminism has fabricated since the '70s. We have all been bred into the unquestioned dogma, in every medium of expression, that women are angels and men are devils, that men are stupid, that men and only men are guilty of all the world's ills, that women must "civilize" men, that women are entitled to harm men because it's not "really" harm since women are weaker and disadvantaged, that any crime by a woman is secretly the fault of some man, that every man is a wife-battering, child-abusing rapist, that the punishment should always overcompensate the perceived crime, that accusations against men can be as counterfactual as we like because fighting "the patriarchy" takes priority over reality, that male tastes are "perverse" wherever they diverge from female demands, that men sit an order of being below women on the scala naturae, that men's very existence is instrumental and not intrinsic, that men benefit from and their only value lies in dying in service to women (e.g. any modern movie) because their very lives are worthless by comparison. Any woman who so much as permits a male to touch her is physically and metaphysically tainted as by the very ichor of the pit.
False rape accusations have always been a concern (I'm guessing since caveman days) but they used to take the form of a woman inciting her male relatives to beat her lover senseless if she's unhappy with him or doesn't want to admit to cheating and isn't creative enough to pull a "virgin birth" act. After not merely years or decades but generations of anti-male propaganda saturating every frequency, is judicial escalation that surprising? Is it any wonder that not only blue-haired extremists but women in general feel a desperate need to reframe heterosexuality itself as a male crime? Who would admit to being attracted to some disgusting beast we are all assured is unworthy of anything but abuse? Why should we not suspect that increasing numbers of women would rather have their mates tortured to death in prison than admit (publicly or even psychologically) to having had willing congress with a filthy intactus?
So stop acting surprised by false rape accusations. It's been obvious for decades where the demonization of men and beatification of women would lead. It's not a bug, it's a feature. It was always the principal selling point, the visceral appeal of feminism to fabricate justification for women to abuse men, by any pretext and without regard for context.

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