Saturday, May 30, 2020


I'm revisiting Age of Wonders: Planetfall currently, as they put out a new rip-off pack with some irrelevant but quaint new global events and a new playable race: shapeshifting reptiloids from beyond the moon!

Well, at least these ones aren't psychic. Planetfall's a tactically deep and increasingly strategic series which at least attempts to instill an immersive atmosphere but is nonetheless marred by leaning too hard on generic pulp fiction crutches and wildly uneven, often incompetent writing (and in Planetfall, voice acting; they even managed to fumble one of the first technology voiceovers I heard from the new lizards.)

You've made a reptilian race and named one of their heroes after a famous mythological reptile. Fine, great, I'm all for it... but why misspell it? Why not use the accepted Latinized spelling? I mean, losers like me use creative typos as personal identity (or more often than not for lack of inspiration) but you're not just random matrix-trash like myself. You're designers. You're supposed to stand above the mentality of your moronic fans. Have some modicum of dignity!

Or were you afraid the crocodile god Sobek would show up to sue you for copyright infringement?

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