Saturday, April 11, 2020

Let My People Cough!

Welp, it's almost Easter. While churches are setting up online services and Tweeting the holy spirit or whatever the fuck else they're cooking up to continue justifying their idiotic blind belief in primitive hocus-pocus, there will be congregations tomorrow. For all the warnings, for all the pleading, for all the well-reasoned arguments, no-one particularly doubts that religious cretins will congregate for Easter and continue spreading the COVID-19 pandemic.


Now, I'm pretty sure I'd be fine denying medical care to any worthless imbecilic sacks of filth who get infected on Easter. Just tell them their lungs are filling up with Jesus. They bought a lifetime's worth of even less believable bullshit; they'll buy that one too.

But, on the lighter side, isn't it funny they'll be doing this on a holiday commemorating the time when Jews hid indoors so they'd be Passed Over by a plague?

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