Sunday, July 28, 2019

"Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits"

One recent visit to an old MMO treated me to the spectacle of some confused kid complaining that a game master had forced a name change on him. Apparently his character's original name "winniedapoop" was deemed unacceptable on grounds of... something? I guess? Granted, I've run afoul of the same trigger-happy decorum police in the past, when I named throw-away alts things like "youreallmorons" or "youreallretards" or "youreallcretins" or "youreallidiots" or, well, you get the gist. At least I was being directly insulting. But seriously, are we to the point where even some idiot brat giggling at being able to say "poop" on the internet warrants official sanctions from the self-appointed governing body of his social milieu? Is not even the mildest profanity sacred anymore? Is the League of Legends character "Fiddlesticks" next on the chopping block, for fear such crass invective might give some degenerate snowflake the vapors? Eat shit and die, you retarded cunts.

I've purposely avoided naming the MMO in question because it doesn't particularly matter. Could be any game, any forum, any social network. It's been half a century since George Carlin riffed on the "seven words you can't say" and for a while we seemed to be making progress in grinding down such towering puritanical taboos. Yet somehow an entire generation has forgotten the importance of being able to say "poop" at the same time as you should be free not to associate with poop-sayers. Nobody's making you join the little moron's guild. Let his name serve as a warning for that purpose.

It would be one thing to face a generation of knowing inquisitors. I'm more worried at finding further evidence that our society as a whole has rapidly lost its sense of proportion, context or relevance, not to mention humor. It's not merely that you can't take a joke; you've lost the ability to even discern the deliberate transgression and reversal of social expectations which defines humor. In the same online game, I ran across a player adventuring in the same zone and proposed we team up. He declined for some perfectly valid, mundane reason like logging out. I answered, in classic comedic overstatement:

"In that case you're evil and I hate you forever now"

... and the idiot took it seriously! He was offended, by a line I could not have rendered more farcical even by belting it through a helium balloon while wearing full clown make-up. In what hellish vat of pablum are all these stunted, dulled and blunted ersatz human brains being incubated? Such depths of parochialism belong in the Podunks of centuries past, yet somehow in the 21st century, on the internet no less, with the sum total of human culture at one's fingertips, you devolved apes exhibit less wit and savvy than dirt-farming peasants in the days before newsprint. "Bawdy, naughty, saucy, raunchy, rude, crude, lewd, lascivious, profane, obscene" such is the nature of communication at times, by necessity. To truncate the ideas which can be communicated is to truncate your own intellectual growth. To grow, you need the freedom to hear stupid things, if only so you yourself can call them stupid. Discernment is a function of individual thought, not of the censorship board.

You cannot cloister your mind inside a prophylactic, no matter how much I wish you spineless, brainless, hapless little twerps had stayed there instead of gestating into the blight upon sentience which you've proven yourselves.

addendum, 2019/07/29:


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