Saturday, June 30, 2018

Peel the cortex to tap the sap

Whatever happened to you, glorious sinister, moody studious dubious of being I lashed and battered, flattered to the abbatoir, neck stretched on your altar ego wherever she go, goal in mind your right brain drained into heroine-laced train while a choir rants to your ants' instincts flailing along your queen's scent-trail all in line to your spine's dislocation cat tombed in her esteem extinguish You're fused in her time bomb uterine? Park right spark left, mark miss' mannerisms, many prisms to separate your weave into strings tangible frangible fungible moldable into rot-a-tot-tots fraught barrage of stopped clocks right vice a day but left counter-wise she'll say as she clocks your limbic foibles every which way. It's the right thing to do your left out she'll jive, dive hive to pay day to day stay... stay... stay... beg con-jugum dregs for each auto da fe.

Left references to double helical cyclical imbecilical being redacted by rectus acting in loco per anti his, pro Hera, no wonder other significants in pantsin romancin Pan troglodancin me mori rooted in centrist sulcus so deep the callous corpse can't ligate the whole gallant recalcitrantin. Mind your eyes try not to drink her think while she sinks winks past your blinks' tricks, carrots and sticks burning slow wicks inside your insides' insides' weak links. Left behind right ahead on schedule credulous know-no lachrimous dripping your gaze to the pendulous exacts a tactical fee-feels the rigged gears of time disingenuous, 'til you're left a right corpus callously genuflecting, gripped mater-maniacally putrefilial. Post sum erat sumus, the summation of de-extant abbreviation.

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