Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Cock-Sure Academia

edit 2015/12/12: Since the commercial got yanked off youtube, allow me to specify that it depicted a swarm of cocks (by which I mean roosters of course) mobbing a fast-food joint advertising big (chicken) breasts. No mammalian breasts were harmed (or portrayed) in the making of this advertisement. Masculinity, however, was ridiculed as mindless animal breast-chasing.


This Hardee's commercial was used in a 400-level Anthropology class as an example of sexism, because you see it objectifies women by punning on the word "breasts." Sexism today needs no more definition of course than the mere existence of males.

It's funny to note how much feminism has in common with reactionary or older, supposedly patriarchal systems. I don't mean just the apparent expectation that we'd backtrack to Victorian "white meat" conversation but the similarity between feminist rhetoric and right-wing con artists (e.g. FOX.) Feminism is among other things a profession, a trade guild specializing in manipulating public opinion which stays in business by continually creating a market for itself. Much like reactionary shock-jocks constantly having to invent some new assault on traditional values (did you hear the liberals are raping Christmas with gay wedding cakes?) feminists are caught constantly trying to make themselves relevant by fabricating moral outrage. There are never enough ways to vilify men and you can never, ever, EVER admit that society is about anything other than evil men masterminding the oppression of innocent women or your ratings go down.

So a commercial which portrays males as a mindless, faceless, animalistic swarm unable to resist their instinctive urge for "breasts" must be nothing but vile male oppression of women. An ad in which men are nothing but walking cocks, a routine sort of denigration which if it had come out of a feminist's mouth would be lauded as Buddha-level enlightenment by our whole pop culture, is attacked because it used the word "breasts" as a double-entendre. The merest allusion to sexuality is defined automatically as a pretext for any woman to slap the man next to her 'cuz sexism. Game, set and match. Argument over. Basta.

This is the sort of education into which two generations of men have been indoctrinated. You are guilty even when it's you that's being insulted. Your every thought is a crime and all your accuser must do is cry "sexism" with or without cause to grind you into the dirt.

Keep piling it on 'til you get tenure.

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