Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Vile Scourge of Pinion-Centrism

"His value declined when he offered his name
Why did he offer?"
Metric - Rock Me Now
(Really though, Em, ever actually wondered why? Or is the slam a headier jam?)
Aside from fundamental stupidity one of the main problems with cult behavior, with obsessively pursuing a righteous cause based on blind belief, is forcing even the sane contingent to act insane for the sake of the cause. In academia, one of the more pressing questions concerns the degree to which SJW insanity has permeated even the hard sciences. Just how much "feminist math" is one forced to kowtow towards? Is every engineer designing an aerodynamic or hydrodynamic object in danger of getting fired for insulting social betters' finer sensibilities with phallocentric precepts of penetration?

Well, in biology at least quite a bit of damage has been done. As one of the battier examples, you'll occasionally run across both students and (inexcusably) professors decrying the horrendous sexism in animal naming, because so many animals are named after features present only on the male, e.g. Red-Winged Blackbird, Yellow-Winged Blackbird, etc. when the females aren't black and don't have yellow wings. Anyone who stops to think for even a second can easily point out the females don't just lack those features (prioritizing safe camouflage where males must risk their lives attracting female/predator attention or be bred out of the gene pool) but usually any clear distinguishing features altogether. If you named everything after the females you'd end up with a thousand species of Brown-Winged Brownbird!
Stag beetles aren't named that because they go to stag parties. Obvious features are obvious, and yes, we communicate recognizable information. I don't care how far the educational system has backslid, you cannot possibly reach doctorate level while still not functioning at a high enough mental level to follow that reasoning. It is only fanatical devotion, absolute irrational faith in the feminist core dogma of "man bad, woman good" which fabricates this desperate need to bash and condemn men for anything and everything, no matter how nonsensical, in order to reaffirm one's supplication before female moral supremacy. Once inside the faith, you'll never even feel your own fanatical momentum leading you over the brink, parroting insanity for the sake of it.
Sadly, even though many of us can spot such insanity, we do not believe ourselves in a position to answer it with sanity, for fear of being labeled misogynists and ostracized and/or knocked down a tax bracket for the rest of your life as unfit for polite society. The last thing you want in a university is critical thought, right?

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