Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sport Utility Shehicles

"We're all guys here. Sweaty, hairy, gassy guys."

Turanga Leela, Futurama - Season 3, Episode 2, "War Is the H-Word"

The politically correct in America have demonized men for so many decades now as to make referring to a hypothetical person as "he" a grievous social faux pas and the word "men" itself an unquestioned slur. But while none would dare speak of "the works of man" or "the rights of man" or "the race of man" it's amusing how often phrases like "man-made climate change" pop up in left-wing political commentary.

I have to wonder how much this overlaps with our intrinsic belief that the female body neither produces, nor evacuates, methane. Guess it's easy enough to blame it on the dog once you've rhetorically demeaned billions of men to that status.

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