"Cause I know how it feels
Filling in the blanks
Looking on the bright side
When there is no bright side"
Filling in the blanks
Looking on the bright side
When there is no bright side"
Metric - Poster of a Girl
I wanted to like it, I really did...
The original Homeworld is a true classic and one of my fondest gaming memories... for its time. In fact I was playing it as New Year's Y2K rolled over (yes I mean 19-2000 and not 2001) since I've never cared much for such demarcations and wasn't buying into that end of the world hype. But #s 1.5 and 2 got derailed from the original fleet combat concept and two decades later I regret having preordered #3, demonstrating the phrase "nostalgia project" deserves its derogatory context.
On the other hand, I gave my strike craft an order to dock with the mothership, not the iceberg...
I suppose I should let Blackbird Interactive off on one major point: multiplayer genres have mostly died to player idiocy, to cheating and griefing and intentional imbalance and most of all microtransactions. Homeworld made an impression not least as multiplayer in the LAN and cybercafe era. I'm judging HW3 as single-player. But still, for all the warnings I've given on that point over the years as a rando' blogger, you'd think a team of seasoned professionals would've handled the transition better.
Let's start with the painfully obvious though.
In '99, the sensor manager overlay elegantly handled gigantic space-worthy distances because any 3D game would not have run without a very, very close fog horizon. But a quarter century's worth of polygon-counting pissing contests later? We've had seamless zoom-focusing since at the very latest Demigod in 2009, probably earlier if you dig around, and any ideograms can be hotkey-toggled or mouseover-faded on the main playing field itself. But they didn't implement this solely for their customers' nostalgia. It also gives them an excuse to limit zooming to horse-blinder levels in the main battle screen, which both imposes a lot of extra camera rotation to see what's going on, and more importantly from Blackbird's point of view attempts to preserve the massive screen-filling grandeur of those big dumb objects their design team's so eternally erect for: space icebergs, space tunnels, space plazas, etc. constantly interposed between you and whatever you're trying to look at.
If only their ship AI could actually navigate around large objects... or at all.
If you're inclined to protest I used the M-ship as an easy or unrealistic example and pathfinding has been a constant issue in games...umm, no. HW3 doesn't have pathfinding issues. It has random stumbling issues.
I ordered my first three assault frigates back to mommy. Two of them took up standard positions. The third is apparently trying to ram it. Or maybe it's trying to dock? Except no, it's not, it's just hovering there, out of position and misaligned like a cat pondering the mysteries of the can opener. And good luck trying to get your ships to... just... fucking... SHOOT! at the enemy.
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(sorry, mistakenly circled the bottom group; them's turrets) |
They'll spontaneously split into wings, with some maneuvering to flank the target. Sounds fancy, until you realize it just puts half your fleet constantly out of position and closer to the enemy force to get focus-fired into oblivion, and that's ignoring the fact it just takes them longer to position when they could've already turned their guns at the enemy full-bore if they'd stayed on the same side. And please, let's not pretend this is an issue with large formations alone.
That's three destroyers ordered to attack the enemy mothership. They're in delta-wing formation. I couldn't figure out what looked weird about their weapons fire: only the front ship was actually shooting its cannons because they're staying at max range for that ship alone. The other two are... I believe the nautical term is "chillaxing" - ?
No I am not being unfair and no I am not nitpicking. Fan discussions abound with such complaints, and you might notice the backgrounds here all look similar. That's because all but 2 examples on this page come from a single 19-minute skirmish, and I wasn't even trying to find them!
Even this ship-level tactical fumbling might've been borderline bearable, were the greater strategic angle better considered. It's not. I said multiplayer in general is dead, and the RTS genre deader than most due in large part to everyone realizing how ridiculously it rewards button-mashing over any pretense of strategy. Where the newer generation of turn-based strategy games like AoW4 or Old World or even Gladius show themselves capable of coherent objectives and concerted pushes, and even Northgard's real-time combat prepares big invasions and retreats in unison, HW3's AI sticks to the old strategy game AI fallback of micromanaging you to death, spamming a constant stream of ships at you, each individually targeting wherever it'll do most damage with no greater rhyme or reason, and if I bitched out that routine in Spellforce 3 six years ago you can guess how thrilled I am to see it in a title of much higher profile and expectations now.
Ship classes and abilities fare just as poorly. You can research castable abilities for each of them, except hotkey-spam got old with Warcraft 3 twenty years ago and pretty much every strategy game now allows for unit customization instead of a baseline list of standard units to be churned out as-is every game. The one new-ish gimmick would be turrets you can stick to surfaces, again playing up the supposed importance of those big dumb objects (and turning a space game even more into a standard surface-oriented RTS) and those are indeed impressively effective... largely because the AI fails to prioritize/avoid them and lets itself get chewed up at close range, probably because the developers wanted to encourage use of their brand-new RTS invention of... tower defense. IN SPAAAAACE!
Die-hard fans might even have forgiven all this (they shouldn't but they would have; define: fans) if the campaign had managed to recapture the grandiose star trekking SCIENCE fiction feel of the original. Instead it redoubles on HW2's mystical babbling trying far too hard to copy a Dune-like feel of prophecy and warring clans and funny hats and so on. And I could go on. But really, I've lost interest in even complaining about it.
The nostalgia-driven flaws appeasing old fans' demands are bad enough. But the rest speaks of a design team which haven't played a strategy game in 20yrs and are still stewing over their obsession with supposed advances (like big dumb objects) which the state of the art has long since trivialized.