Saturday, March 16, 2024

This Blog Needs an Enema

Assuming anyone ever skims over these months, I wonder if you've figured out yet that I'm temporizing with these onceuponatime posts because I want to devote more time to fiction writing? I mean, some won't be posted here anyway, but I do want to get the brain uploading story written before it gets obsoleted by real-life brain uploading.
Also when I started this damn thing was only supposed to last a couple of months, so not only did I never set up my categories carefully but I made myself a few notes. Drafts with only a topic line. And then I got distracted, and got more ideas which I got distracted from, and the half dozen original topic lines turned into twenty, and I kept assuming I'd get around to them eventually, except I keep reading and playing new stuff and the world keeps spinning and the twenty subjects turned into forty and I thought oh man, this is getting ridiculous, but I'll work through my backlog soon except I took so long that some became outdated but I thought of ways to work them into new topics and sometimes I didn't and the subject lines kept piling up and my fiction ideas have been getting nowhere because I keep getting distracted by the more easily-written blog and I've got all these old posts at the end of which I said I'd continue some other time and I lost track of them all, until I got to sixty which I thought was absurd until I hit eighty unwritten drafts and I thought enough is enough I am polishing these off right now or deleting them because most of them are useless bar napkin brain farts anyway, except now I'm closing in on a hundred and AAARGH someone save me from myself!

Hold on, that just gave me this really amazing idea...

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