Saturday, July 18, 2020

Do not give what is holy to the dogs

"Crooks and deceivers
Misled believers"

Billy Talent - Reckless Paradise


"Indeed, we philosophers and "free spirits" feel, when we hear the news that "the old god is dead," as if a new dawn shone on us; our heart overflows with gratitude, amazement, premonitions, expectation. At long last the horizon appears free to us again, even if it should not be bright; at long last our ships may venture out again, venture out to face any danger; all the daring of the lover of knowledge is permitted again; the sea, our sea, lies open again; perhaps there has never yet been such an "open sea.""

Nietzsche - The Gay Science, 343

"Life is a well of joy; but where the rabble drinks too, all wells are poisoned.
In their hands all fruit grows sweetish and overmellow; their glance makes the fruit tree a prey of the wind and withers its crown."

Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zarathustra, On the Rabble 

"After Buddha was dead, his shadow was still shown for centuries in a cave - a tremendous, gruesome shadow. God is dead; but given the way of men, there may still be caves for thousands of years in which his shadow will be shown. And we - we still have to vanquish his shadow, too."

Nietzsche - The Gay Science, 108

We've heard it for the past two decades, from anti-theist speakers, from comedians, from political commentators: God lies at long last moribund. Sounds nice. Articles upon articles inform us yearly that religiosity is decreasing. Atheism and agnosticism, once trademarks of the "liberal elites" are gaining more and more traction among the populace at large, especially the younger ones.

ORLY? quoth the wolfe, enemy of his counterfeit kind.

Why are you so willing to take their word for it? Take a look at how these newly non-religious hoi polloi truly act... especially the younger ones. Note the beatification of nominal martyrs like George Floyd or Michael Brown. Marvel at the Edenic promises of the meek inheriting the Earth, of perfect enforced Bolshevik equality between arbitrary social groups, lions and lambs who, if not for their common hatred of straight white males, would (and soon will) be at each others' throats. Track art's descent into primitive, stilted iconography, none being permitted but in service to the scriptures of woke-again bigotry. Mark well the paroxysmal lurching of the mob against targets of convenience, scapegoats readily available in the persons of their neighbours of the wrong sex/race/sexuality. Hear the demands to always believe and never question the pronouncements of the faithful - for to ever question a woman or a black or a queer makes you an infidel. Witness the revival of the auto da fe, terrified individuals stammering public, emotional apologies for their "privilege" in being born into original sin as a filthy male / European / heterosexual - the privilege of cowering before a brainless mob howling for your blood, with a few being randomly ostracized at the stake to "put the others on notice" and teach them their place in the new social order.

This too shall pass. This counter-revolutionary Terror shall run its course, new Emperors rise by the dozen, the Stalins and Maos wage their ever bloodier civil wars to crown themselves in Messianic glory.

And then?

A decade from now, their feeble, fabricated afterthought of revolutionary fervor spent, the false premises and false promises of "actually existing" intersectionalism having grown too obvious for even the donkeys and workhorses to ignore, the petty demagogues of the new order having cut and run with their profits, where will millennials turn? Where will their fundamental belief in value without evidence and intrinsic states of grace lead them? When snowflakes' entire worldview apes religious irrationality in all but name, can anyone doubt the rising profitability of crucifix futures?

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